Monday, June 29, 2015

3 day Quote Challenge- Day 1

Such a simple thought, yet so defining. The moment you understand this, the way you look at life changes. You take cognizance of the role you play in the larger scheme of things and it is this potent mix of power and responsibility that makes you understand your worth. No one is isolated; choices made and actions taken by each one of us chart out an all new course that history takes. Had Archimedes not decided to take a bath or Newton not acted upon his urge to take rest in the garden, we would neither have been able to traverse within the continent cut across by oceans nor explore life beyond the realms of earth separated by space. These are ordinary men who are hailed as extraordinary only because they believed that "nothing is insignificant". Whenever you seek a reason to believe in yourself or what you would love to do, the time would be ripe to whisper these words to your heart.  


  1. Love the quote Sam! Wonder how I forgot this. Also loved your thoughts on it. Waiting for the 2nd quote.


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